Home Ingredient Research Finds PQQ Ingredient Can be Effective in Helping to Reduce Age-Related Health Issues

Research Finds PQQ Ingredient Can be Effective in Helping to Reduce Age-Related Health Issues

by Food Drinks Innovation

New study by Mitsubishi Gas Chemical shows PQQ can be effective in treating muscle atrophy and muscle weakness

A new study conducted by Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc. (MGC) found that the antioxidant ingredient, Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), can help delay the natural ageing process, particularly by targeting mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

MGC conducted experiments with ageing mice to better understand PQQ’s underlying molecular mechanisms. These mice were fed a normal diet mixed with a concentrate of PQQ over the course of nine weeks, using MGC’s own MGCPQQ® ingredient, which is manufactured in Japan through a natural, proprietary fermentation process. Researchers then investigated the effects on the mice by examining changes in their body composition, muscle atrophy, and function, and found the following results:

  • Suppression of Muscle Weakness: PQQ could particularly attenuate muscle atrophy, and muscle weakness by improving mitochondrial function, leading to reduced age-related oxidative stress and inflammation in muscles.
  • Improved nutrition: Aged mice suffered from malnutrition; however, PQQ supplementation mitigated this effect, possibly by improving metabolic dysfunction and small intestinal performance.

Published in the Frontiers in Aging Journal, this study is an early indicator that PQQ could be a key ingredient to healthy ageing. With more than one-fifth of the European Union’s population aged 65 or above,[1] consumers are now focused on improving their overall health and wellness.

“We’re encouraged by the preliminary research that suggests MGCPQQ has anti-ageing potential,” said Atsushi Sugimoto, assistant manager for MGC. “As the elderly population continues to expand in Europe, we want to ensure consumers have access to mitochondria-boosting ingredients that have been vetted for their safety and effectiveness as well as support a healthy lifestyle.”

In previous studies, MGCPQQ has been shown to activate mitochondrial biogenesis, which is crucial for memory recall, energy, mood and longevity, while boosting Nerve Growth Factor, important for neuron development and cognitive function.

A vast majority of scientific research has been conducted with MGCPQQ specifically, and it remains the most researched and studied ingredient of its kind globally. In fact, the supplement is still the only PQQ ingredient to be successfully evaluated for its safety and quality by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and appears on the European Union’s approved list of Novel Foods Ingredient. For that reason, it is the only PQQ legally allowed to be sold in the EU.

The same ingredient is known under the brand name BioPQQ® in North America and Japan and is the only supplement of its kind with an NDI notification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status – enabling it to be used as a food ingredient. MGCPQQ is also certified in Informed Ingredients, verifying that every batch includes no substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical will have a presence at the MCLS Europe booth stand H206 at Vitafoods Europe, 14-16 May, in Geneva, Switzerland. For more information about MGCPQQ, visit www.mgcpqq.eu. This ingredient is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Population_structure_and_ageing

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