Home Blog Festive Feasting:4 Ingredients to Balance Health and Indulgence

Festive Feasting:4 Ingredients to Balance Health and Indulgence

by Food Drinks Innovation

Christian Philippsen, Managing Director, BENEO, Asia Pacific

The holidays are here, and we all know what that means—delicious feasts, sugary treats, and sometimes, overeating. While indulging is part of the fun, it can also throw off our normal eating habits, especially when it comes to maintaining adequate fibre and protein intake.

Here’s a myth to dispel: while bakery and dairy products are typically associated with indulgence, they can in fact be used as a way to gain a nutritional boost, when the right health claims are in place. Savvy consumers have begun paying more attention to food and drink labels. Statistics show that 64% of global consumers check nutritional labelling at least some of the time when choosing a snack, and 68% find claims that a product is natural, non-GMO, or sugar-free especially appealing.

To reach this market of health-oriented consumers who want their guilt-free festive treats, manufacturers should explore adding these four ingredients into their dairy and baking innovations—all without sacrificing on taste, too.

Barley for Better Bakes and Beverages
Rich in beta-glucans, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, barley is not just a dietary staple, but one that offers a wide array of health benefits, especially for heart health. In particular, BENEO’s Orafti® β-Fit earned its certification from the American Heart Association. Derived from a barley variety naturally high in beta-glucan, this innovative ingredient works to support heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and improving overall cardiovascular function.

As a 100% wholegrain flour made from barley, Orafti® β-Fit provides 20% beta-glucan fibres – which is significantly higher than conventional cereal flours. It also features a clean taste and neutral colour for seamless integration into various bakery formulations, while its natural thickening properties enhance texture by increasing viscosity, making it suitable for dairy and dairy alternatives.

Beta-glucans are not digested by the enzymes in our small intestine, but are completely fermented by the microbiota in the colon. By adding Orafti® β-Fit—which delivers a total fibre content of 40% (inclusive of beta-glucans), manufacturers can market this as a smart way of easily elevating digestive health, by promoting bowel regularity and supporting gut microbiota for enhanced nutrient absorption.

Sugar, Less Please
Many of us turn to bakery products when looking for sweet treats. Research found that 44% of global consumers eat bakery products for the great taste or indulgence, but might lead to guilt if that meant compromising on their health goals.

In an earlier article, we talked about how carbohydrates are fuel for body and brain and hence an essential part of a balanced diet. Most of them deliver fast energy that is gone shortly after—otherwise known as the ‘boost and crash’ effect with regard to blood sugar levels. Manufacturers can consider the alternative carbohydrate Palatinose™ (generic name: isomaltulose), made from sugar beet, which provides a slower sucrose release rate and is completely digested in the body. It is also worth noting that moderate blood sugar levels are associated with a better energy status, improved cognitive functions and can also lead to less cravings.

Fortifying Fibres
For the health-conscious consumer, chicory root fibres such as BENEO’s Orafti® Inulin and Oligofructose are proven by science, as the only proven plant-based prebiotics—complying with the ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics) definition of prebiotics and are backed up by the highest level of scientific evidence established in more than 25 years of scientific research.

Sourced naturally from chicory root through a gentle hot water extraction process, these prebiotic fibres provide numerous benefits for baked goods manufacturers. They are natural, non-GMO, and clean label, setting them apart from other fibres that may undergo chemical and enzymatic modifications to render them indigestible. This opens the door to innovative, clean-label formulations without sacrificing flavour.

Best of all, chicory root fibres are very versatile and can be easily incorporated into a wide range of baked goods such as breads, waffles, cakes, cookies, and dairy products such as yoghurt, ice cream and plant-based milk. For example, Orafti® Inulin features a long-chain molecular structure that provides fat-mimicking texturising properties, enabling it to partially replace fat in fat-based fillings while maintaining a creamy mouthfeel, while Orafti® Oligofructose has a shorter chain and is therefore able to replace sugar with its mild sweetness.

Tasty Appeal with Faba Beans
According to HealthFocus International, almost 3 in 4 consumers worldwide believe for a food or beverage to be healthy, it must be healthy for both themselves and the environment.
A valuable plant-based protein source is the faba bean, also known as fava or broad bean. Not only is it a solid source of protein and dietary fibre, it also provides vitamin C, folates, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and zinc. BENEO processes the faba beans into concentrate that has a 60% protein content. It provides excellent emulsifying properties, making it an ideal ingredient to enhance the texture of plant-based meat, egg-free baked goods, dairy alternatives. Thanks to the absence of cholesterol and lower saturated fat content, meat and dairy substitutes are appealing choices for health-conscious consumers.

As the holidays approach, there’s a growing opportunity for food manufacturers to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers seeking nutritious yet indulgent treats. By incorporating functional ingredients such as barley, chicory root fibres, Palatinose™, and faba bean protein into their offerings, they can provide delicious yet also health-boosting options. These ingredients not only enhance the nutritional profile of bakery and dairy products but also cater to the evolving preferences for natural, non-GMO, and clean-label foods. To make it easier for customers to incorporate them, the experts from the BENEO-Technology Center are available to help develop the most suitable formulation and processing technique. Embracing these innovations allows manufacturers to strike the perfect balance between indulgence and nutrition, offering guilt-free festive treats that align with today’s wellness-conscious lifestyle.

FMCG Gurus: Health & Wellness Trends in the Bakery Market – Global Report – 2023
HealthFocus International Global Sustainability Report 2022

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